Life Update

Hi There,

Long time no post! This last year has been a whirlwind and I feel like I'm finally finding my footing.

Since it's been almost a year, I guess its time for a bit of a life update (this may get sappy).

I came into UCLA as a transfer student and felt like I came into the school on the back foot (thank you, imposter syndrome). While I felt like other friends were making relationships with their professors and departments, I felt like I was struggling in mine. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE art history and have loved all of my professors but something just wasn't right. I had a serendipitous meeting with someone in the Near Eastern Languages and Cultures department and realized I needed a change in direction. I decided to take on Egyptology as my second major to specialize in Egyptian art, and honestly, I have never enjoyed my course work as much as I am. Now, I'm studying fun things like hieroglyphs and researching the Egyptian harem. I'm just trying to live each day making ten-year-old Chloe who named her dog Anubis proud.

So the BIG updates! I am so lucky to get to stay at UCLA a little bit longer as I've officially been accepted into UCLA's Departmental Scholars Program and will be pursuing my MA in Egyptology. I also was excepted into a summer program studying and working at the Museo Egizio in Turin for five weeks this summer. PINCH ME! I'm so incredibly excited to expand my knowledge of Egyptology and museum studies in such a gorgeous city.

Thank you for following me on this journey!



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