Hi There

Hi there! I'm Chloe. 

As part of a New Years resolution and after some support from a friend, I've decided to try this blogging thing. My goal with this blog is to create a space where I can share info on exhibitions in Los Angeles and curate my memories and interests. 

So to introduce myself, here are 5 facts about me: 

1. I reside in sunny Los Angeles where I am currently a student at UCLA studying Art History and Arts Education. 
2. I have an obsession with museums. They're my ultimate favorite leisure activity, so prepare yourself for lots of museum-related posts. 
3. I have two french bulldogs named Howie and Coco, both whom I love more than life itself. It's completely healthy, I swear! 
4. I could eat ice cream all day, every day. My favorite thing to do with friends is to go on ice cream dates. 
5. I consume a massive amount of podcasts and audiobooks. I'm always on the hunt for something new to listen to and will try out almost anything. 

Photo Credit: Becky Davis Photography 

I hope you all will enjoy a little peek into my life,



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